Thursday, September 4, 2014

running jar applications in windows

java -jar "filename".jar
Command for java file to run the jar file.
Note** : JAVA Runtime needs to be installed in windows, to run them.

You can also double click to run the jar file in windows.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Setting Up python Environment variables and PYTHONPATH

Path to System Variables:

PYTHONPATH in user environment Variables:

Here C:\Python34 is the directory where I installed the Python software on my operating system.

For More Reference on how to do:
Check this Video..!!

Why to set variables:
Setting the environment variables allows you to use python commands and execute several programs in command prompt.

How to check if the environment variables are set properly
Type "python" in command prompt and click enter.

for exiting use, Ctrl-Z/exit() and click enter.