port 80 being used by other application(may be skype)
you will get this error when you select " test port 80" option in wamp.
Right click wamp icon->apache->service->test port 80
and simple solution is Uninstall Skype(Alternative: Try completely
closing the skype and run restart wamp services again).
page not found: 404 error->Localhost,forbidden error->phpmyadmin (permission denied to open the page)
when you get this error on opening the localhost page in wamp server.
open "Services.msc" and then browse the list for "Web application deployment service" and right click on it, to select "Stop".
Now restart the wamp services. You will see wamp server icon turning green.
Local host also starts working.
But you will receive a new error when you open the "phpmyadmin" page. To resolve this
Go to C:/wamp/alias
open phpmyadmin file of type CONF.and browse down the file and remove
the line of code "Deny from all, allow from" to "Allow from
Save the file.
Restart the wamp services.