Sunday, February 19, 2017

ubuntu mysql commands

installation: open terminal and type
sudo apt-get install mysql

login to mysql server with a username and password:
mysql -u <user-name> -p
When prompt asks to enter password, enter password

mysql essential commands:

show databases;
//shows existing databases

use <database-name>;
//selecting a database

show tables;
//shows tables in the current database

select * from table1;
//selects all records from table1

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

type initializer for 'HtmlRenderer.Utils.FontsUtils' threw an exception : MYSQL WORKBENCH [FIXED]

The bug doesn't does not let you start connections, connect to the database.
It throws this error

MySQL Workbench has encountered a problem:
The type initializer for 'HtmlRenderer.Utils.FontsUtils' threw an exception.

I'm glad it was an easy fix.

Steps to fix:
Close the workbench if its open.
I had to replace the file HtmlRenderer.dll in the ProgramFiles/MYSQL/MySQL Workbench 6.3 CE/
Restart the workbench

That's it!

Original source I used as a reference to fix: CLICK HERE

Saturday, August 1, 2015

everything about git- installation

Installation on Ubuntu:

Open Terminal,
Type "sudo apt-get install git"
Press Y if prompted to enter, while installed

Thats, it!!

To know about git commands, type " git help <command-name>"

Monday, July 27, 2015

conduct free surveys

You can now have your own surveys done with the help of surveymonkey

Check out the site and signup to create and share your surveys.

Fixes for errors in WAMP

port 80 being used by other application(may be skype)

you will get this error when you select " test port 80" option in wamp.
Right click wamp icon->apache->service->test port 80

Possible and simple solution is Uninstall Skype(Alternative: Try completely closing the skype and run restart wamp services again).

page not found: 404 error->Localhost,forbidden error->phpmyadmin (permission denied to open the page)

when you get this error on opening the localhost page in wamp server. 

open "Services.msc" and then browse the list for "Web application deployment service" and right click on it, to select "Stop".

Now restart the wamp services. You will see wamp server icon turning green.

Local host also starts working. 
But you will receive a new error when you open the "phpmyadmin" page. To resolve this

Go to C:/wamp/alias
and open phpmyadmin file of type CONF.and browse down the file and remove the line of code "Deny from all, allow from" to "Allow from all"

Save the file.
Restart the wamp services.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

drupal installation error: fatal error in line 2171


It is not necessary to change the settings from Php.ini, you can easily do it from below method:
Goto :
[Base-Url] / sites / default /
Open, settings.php which you should have renamed from default.settings.php
Edit the file, and put this on the very beginning of file:
ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
Run, it will work, no need to restart your apache service. Cheers :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Adding jars, classes in eclipse

If you need to add JAR Files/Class files to your project in Java, it is very simple.

Follow below steps,

Right click properties of your project,

Select Java Build Path,

Select Libraries,

Add JAR's -> If you have the .JAR files within your project directory.
Add External JAR's -> If you have the .JAR files outside your project directory.
Add class files -> If you have the .class files within your project directory.
Add External class files -> If you have the .class files outside your project directory.

Do not forget to "Order and Export" the files that you have added before clicking OK or closing the dialog box.

Click "Order and Export" and select all those files that you have added into the libraries. Select Ok.

Now close the Dialogue box to save the changes.

Tip: If you are working on any type of projects, its better to add those jar's and class files into the project directory "/lib" and then give the appropriate build path of the project directory. It lets you do not misplace your libraries that belong to the project.